We simulate real world attacks and then work through the results with your team so the findings can contribute to improving the defences in place. From a full end to end engagement to bespoke scenario testing. Our team tailors each engagement based on the objectives set.
Choose a service that suits your project
Red Team Exercise
Expect the unexpected. Assess your defense capabilities.
Expect the unexpected. Assess your defense capabilities.
We have the same skills as the people you are trying to stop. Do you want to truly understand your current security posture? Then a Red Team will help you understand the real world risks your organisation is facing and put into test any defensive measures that your team currently have in place.
Get a quotePurple Team Exercise
Sharpening up your defensive skills.
Sharpening up your defensive skills.
During our Purple Team Engagements we simulate real world attacks in partnership with your IT and OT systems while working with your internal Blue Team helping them to upscale their detection game against any TTPs and IoCs they are most concerned to face off. We will work with your Blue Team and/or MSSP in 'hands on keyboard' exercises that encourage discussion on each attack technique so that people, processes and technology can be improved in real time.
Get a quoteAssumed Breach Scenario Testing
Explore wargame-like, premade attack scenarios.
Explore wargame-like, premade attack scenarios.
Want to know what happens once an adversary or insider has a foothold on your network? The assumed breach scenario tests skips us ahead to a spot on your network where we attempt to bypass the security measures in place, avoid controls, escalate privileges and reach our pre-agreed objectives.
Get a quoteAttack Surface Assessment
Unveil your attack surface.
Unveil your attack surface.
The reality is that most of the threats you face are from over the internet. We can assess your perimeter to understand where your weakest points are. If your perimeter is constantly changing we can work with you to develop an ongoing program of works to give you better visibility on an ongoing basis.
Get a quoteSocial Engineering
"All warfare is based on deception".
"All warfare is based on deception".
Social engineering is usually the quickest way for an attacker to breach your defences. Our social engineering engagements can be customised to meet the specific requirements of your organisation.
Email is still one of the most successful attack vectors. We can
customise phishing campaigns to assess your company's current level of
security awareness. These can be run on a regular basis and form part of
a larger security awareness program.
Sometimes the phone is still the best way to get what we need. We can
target teams to identify the level of security awareness from those who
are available on the phone via voice or text.
Curiosity is another avenue for attacks to exploit. We can drop USBs or
other media and attempt to breach your network this way.
Physical Testing
Picking locks, bypassing security gates, the physical realm can be the
gateway to your digital assets.
Build Pipeline Security Assessment
Verify the security of your build pipeline against adversaries
Verify the security of your build pipeline against adversaries.
Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery or Deployment (CI/CD) is a fundamental component of modern software development. It reduces errors during integration and delivery while improving development. But it needs securing. Many CI/CD pipelines introduce vulnerabilities that can expose organisations and their customers.
A Build Pipeline Security Assessment is a modern defence against modern and sophisticated threats. It sharpens your application development process. It gives you confidence that your applications are secure and it assures stakeholders of your commitment to security.
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